Calculate Actual Expenses

  1. Per Diem Allowance: total all Fixed Meal entries for all days of travel in the Expense List.
  2. Actual Expense: total all individual PCARD Meal Expense entries and add any out-of-pocket meal expenses for all days of travel .
  3. Amount of Reduction: subtract the Actual Expense amount from the Per Diem Allowance amount.

Add Reimbursement Reduction Entry

  1. Click New Expense in the Expense List;
  2. On right side of screen select Reimbursement Reduction expense type located in the "Other" category in the Expense Type field.
  3. Enter the Amount of Reduction (from the above calculation) as a negative number and enter a comment explaining the reason for the reduction. Reductions should not be done day-by-day.
  4. Type the reason for the reduction into the comments field of the Reimbursement Reduction.
  5. Click Save.

The amount will show up as a negative and a review of Report Totals page will indicate the total reimbursement due to the traveler has been reduced by the Reimbursement Reduction entry.